
Waxing and Polishing in Evanston, Il.

Waxing may seem like fussy housekeeping from another era, but it's actually a shortcut to cleanliness, says a renown 40+ yr old Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il. Both paste and liquid wax ( sometimes called polish), repel dust and water, shielding surfaces from dirt and spills, while also adding a soft luster that helps preserve almost any material, from plastic and fiberglass to silver and concrete.In Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook, she says, since pure waxes cannot be spread, they contain other ingredients, although pastes have a higher percentage of wax than liquids. Most waxes are suitable for more than one job, but none works on every surface. Before choosing a wax, read the label carefully to ensure it will work with the surface you are waxing. It's wise to do the same with metal polishes, which are each formulated to restore the luster to specific materials. 

Most commercially manufactured furniture made since the 1930's  is finished with clear lacquer, which is a hard, durable, and flexible coating that is scratch-resistant and impervious to most household cleaners and spills. Furniture coated with lacquer does not need to be waxed. Vintage and antique pieces, which are often finished with varnish, oil, or shellac, all of which are less durable than clear lacquer, benefit from a yearly coat of paste wax. This protective coating, which will not darken or harden over time, not only lends to  furniture a  warm glow but also forms a sleek barrier between  the finish, applied by the original furniture maker or restorer to seal the raw wood, and abusive elements. According to some conservators, it's best to avoid cream or liquid furniture waxes ( sometimes called polishes). Although they are easier to apply, they sometimes contain unnecessary ingredients that can damage finishes. 

Determining what type of finish that you have on your furniture is paramount to the type of wax you will apply to it, says a renown 40+ yr old Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il.

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