
Quick and Easy Laundry Tips in Evanston, Il

Laundry is a never-ending household chore. New dirty items require laundering each day. Here are a few quick tips that help the chore be more manageable, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il. 

* Keep laundry baskets in easy to reach locations in your home. Bathrooms and bedrooms are good options. Each family member should be responsible for getting dirty items to the laundry in a timely manner.

* If you have a separate room for laundry, consider designation separate sorting bins. Some possibilities are white, lights, reds, darks, delicates, towels and bedding. 

* Treat stains immediately, and teach family members to do the same. Run stains under cold water or pre-treat them before throwing items in the laundry pile. 

* Hang a clothing line inside and or outside and purchase a drying rack.

* Be sure to keep laundry areas free from dirt and dust.

* Place a bowl of baking soda in the laundry room to get rid of odors.

Other helpful hints for the Laundry room include: Sweeping the area regularly. Wet mop it weekly. Once a month, pull out the machines and clean behind them. Periodically, wipe the walls down with vinegar water cleaning solution. Keep the lint trap free of lint by checking it after each load. Keep a trash can nearby for disposing of the lint. Empty it regularly. Do not keep unnecessary items cluttering the area. They will just collect dust. Wipe down machines and laundry products after each use. Do not let clothes stay in the room for an inordinate amount of time. Items may gather dust, become wrinkled, or possible even become mildewed, says a 40+ year old Residential Cleaning Service in Evanston, Il. All of the above pointers are in The Complete Guide to Eco-Friendly House Cleaning by Anne B Kocsis.

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