
Bathroom Green Cleaning by the best Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL.

Bathroom green cleaning is accomplished quite easily by a renown Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL. This is a service that can give your home a kind of clean which you see in other houses but do not have the time to bring about in your own house. If you are searching for a deep clean up in your house, and if you want the whole area in the bathroom to be sparkling and fresh, you need look no further than this 45 Year Old House Cleaning and Maid Service, Dial-A-Maid, in Evanston, IL. A home is most beautiful if it has been completely cleaned up and you’ll find that hiring this Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., will enable you to have just such a home.

Our bathrooms are the second most used room in the house, after the kitchen. Keeping it clean and sanitary can be pretty exhausting each and every day. Therefore, it should be cleaned on a regular basis, every day if possible or at least every 2 days. Green cleaning the bathroom is a great idea, especially a small one that does not have any windows for ventilation. Below is a way to clean and sanitize our bathrooms, without the harsh, obtrusive, chemical smells and dyes.

The first way that the most experienced House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid, suggests to green clean the bathroom, is to make 50/50 mixture of water and white, distilled vinegar. Pour it into a spray bottle, and spray all the surfaces, sinks, toilets, counters, showers and tubs with it. Take one microfiber cloth and wipe all the areas with it. Then another microfiber cloth to dry them. The bathroom will be green cleaned and sanitary in hardly any time at all. If there is soap scum stuck on the tiles in the shower, make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply it liberally to the sides of the showers.   Use a scrubby sponge and scrub it into the tiles. Spray the vinegar and water solution on it, or just use plain water and wash the dirt and grime away. Then dry with a clean microfiber cloth. The tiles will be immaculate and green cleaned, says this highly acclaimed Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., Dial-A-Maid. If there is a dark or black grout problem, the best way to get rid of this to sprinkle a little baking soda on the area, and then spray some undiluted Hydrogen Peroxide onto it. Take a gentle toothbrush and proceed to scrub the grout to get all the dirt and grime off. Rinse will with plain water. Then dry.

If the bathroom has been left dirty for a few days and really needs a deep green cleaning, just make your own natural scouring powder. Use 1 cup of Baking Soda, ½ cup of salt, ½ cup of washing soda, and a few drops of essential oil- either orange or lemon. Place all the ingredients in a large, metal salt shaker, and use it generously on all the surfaces and fixtures. This scouring powder will not have any chlorine, dyes, artificial fragrances,  and there will not be any chemical reaction to any family member. It’s a total win, win situation for cleaning any bathroom.

Call the best and most thorough Residential House Cleaning and Maid Service in Evanston, IL., which services all the North Shore and Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, IL., Dial-A-Maid at 847-869-6243, or e-mail us at dialamaid@dialamaidusa or visit us at www.Dial-A-Maid.com.

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